Social Media Curation Guide

Social Media Curation Guide

On SEOmoz, I released the Content Curation Guide for SEO and Content Marketing; although it’s still relevant, I felt it was time to update it. This article (Click here)refreshes some of the information provided. Still, it also explores a particular aspect of curation for content that is often the most utilized and possibly beneficial for Content Marketers and SEOs who must perform more than curation Social media curation.

This is why I presented a Mozinar last week on this subject. I discussed why it is crucial to incorporate social curation into your inbound marketing strategy, How to plan, organize, carry out and review your social curation efforts, and the tools you should utilize.

If you didn’t have the chance to watch the live broadcast of Mozinar, you could catch it on this page.

Joanna Lord does excellent social content curation on Pinterest!

Audience Q&A

1. If you work with many clients that you require to make content available, you have to maintain a variety of profiles on all social media profiles and their respective fields. Are there any good tools to manage these accounts and manage mentions, comments, and mentions across all accounts?

In the course, I thanked Buffer for its fantastic tools. But, the premium version is limited to adding up to 12 social profiles. You can also have two team members use the accounts. If you’re doing social content curation for many clients, this may not be the most effective tool for you.

If you’re in your situation, I’d recommend Hootsuite, the premium version of which gives you unlimited numbers of administrators for your social profiles and a more extensive selection of networks (Google+ with) and is a very social web platform such as Scoop. It, Tumblr, YouTube, and others.

2. Do you discuss your method of not

reusing content across various forms of social media (i.e., posting the same URL to your company’s Facebook or Twitter profiles)?

To get the most significant benefit from your social content curation, the best way to maximize your social content curation is to tailor your message to the specifics of the media on which you plan to post it. As an example, it is not just Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ have their particular characteristics that you might not utilize to your advantage with just a simple “standard” message; however, they also have quite different user behaviors even when there are users who are alike on all three social media platforms.

With platforms such as Buffer and Hootsuite, it is easy to switch between social and social on the same platform. This can be very beneficial.

3. How do you keep up-to-date with all the information?

I am constantly overwhelmed by Google RSS feeds, Pocket, and Paper. Li newspapers, Flipboard, and many more constantly provide stories about SEO, PPC, social media, etc. This completely overwhelms me. How do you) remain sane and) determine which content to not read or write about?

Good question! In reality, though I love to experiment and play around with all the tools, I don’t have many. In truth, I only use the ones listed below:

The site, Twitter (the selected websites/people I follow and the list I made), Google+, and the posts and comments in my blog that I trust most (i.e., SEOmoz and YouMoz) to find new sources.

Google Reader is the hub of the various sources I use at a given time.

Buffer for sharing process and, Followerwonk, Google+ Ripples, and Facebook Insights to analyze the results of my curation.

How can I “stay healthy” and decide what and how to write content on? Experience certainly helps me by allowing me to grow with experience. As you progress over time, you’ll know how to quickly recognize if something is truly exceptional, and you must share it with your readers. Here are some tips that can aid you:

Don’t first read, but “skim” the content within your Feed. If the first sentence (more than just the headline) inspires you to read further, There’s a good chance that the post is informative and intriguing.

Consider a lot when you share the conclusion of the article.

4. What is the ideal frequency for sharing blog posts?

When we say blogs, we are referring to sharing on social media, and then the amount will depend on the social platform where you’re sharing your blog posts. The most commonly used rule is to avoid overwhelming your followers with an over quantity of shared content. I’m not a big fan of automated Social Media, even when famous people like Dan Zarrella are praising it—automating, though not the same as scheduling, eliminates the human element of a genuine and thoughtful social curation. That – together with the quality of the content posted- sets it apart.

In any case, particularly in the case of a large audience distributed across the globe and you have a global audience, you’ll likely have to publish the same content twice to reach the most who are active on social media. The good news is that social networks such as Facebook and Google+ ( thanks to their Circles and Lists) let you make them invisible “reshares” to the part of your target audience that has seen it before.

5. What are the indicators to judge the effectiveness of content curation?

I evaluate it based on the two goals I would like to achieve through my content curation efforts:

The number of followers/fans on my accounts on social networks.

The number of people who wrote the edited content acknowledges me, and possibly you follow me.

Mozinar is a work by Gianluca Fiorelli

Why is social content curation important?

It is everywhere on the SERPs. We are aware of it being behind every Google update in recent times (Panda, Penguin, EMD).

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