Foreigners Evaluation of Real Estate Investment in Turkey

Investors are more than happy to trade real estate on Turkish soil. In addition to satisfaction during the relevant transactions. Second, the experience of Real Estate Investment in Turkey has shown a great deal of satisfaction and gratitude. The percentage of people who own property in Turkey and feel satisfied and stable in the process of investment reaches 83.2%.

In addition, because the nationalities of the surveyed foreign investors differ, so does the investment satisfaction of foreign investors. Real Estate Investment in Turkey with a clean sweep of 95.8%, the highest percentage of investors. At the same time, the satisfaction of Russian investors in the Turkish investment sector was 92.6%, followed by German investors at 92%, who appreciated the experience of real estate ownership in Turkey.

British investors also had a 91.7% high level of satisfaction with Real Estate Investment in Turkey. Second, the survey found that Turkish investor satisfaction was 83.2 percent, which proved to be very successful in attracting investors from around the world. The results of the survey in the table below show the satisfaction of different nationalities. Born out of Turkish real estate investment experience

These high prices indicate that both the construction and quality of the building meet the expectations of investors for quality. In addition, these prices are in line with Turkey’s cultural environment. And the cultural and civilizational environment of other communities is known to be suitable for their living

Similarly, the country’s various services sector, the most important of which is the health and medical sector, has attracted foreign investors in the development of property and Real Estate Investment in Turkey.

Many investors want to experience duplication of investment in Turkey.

Many foreign investors have expressed hope to resume their investment experience in Turkey. A study we conducted showed that Real Estate Investment in Turkey want to replicate their investment experience in Turkey, so their percentage increased to 72.4%.

Algeria was second in the list at 66.7%, followed by Iraqi investors at 51.4%, Saudi Arabia at 43.6% and the UK at 41.7%. The table below contains the percentage of foreign investors who did not provide explanations for denying or accepting re-investment experience in Turkey.

Why do foreign investors choose Turkey?

Education Interested in the experience of Real Estate Investment in Turkey Why does the investment climate encourage investors like Turkey? Therefore, the most important are:

  • Climate is therefore the most cited investor at 53.2%.
  • Culture is one of the main criteria that attracts investors and encourages them to continue investing 48% in Turkey.
  • Safe living in the eyes of investors proves the importance of this factor at 39.8%.
  • Turkey is suitable for budget holidays at 34.9%.
  • The quality of services is attractive to foreign investors, accounting for 30.7%.

Factors that attract investors to buy property in Turkey

  • Property prices: According to a survey, property prices are the biggest factor. It makes up 63.4% of the property owned by Iraqi, German and Iranian investors.
  • Real Estate Websites: According to the data, 58.3% of investors are attracted to real estate websites at the time of purchase.
  • Property Vision: 36% of investors prefer to make a property purchase decision based on their property vision. And most of them are Saudi investors.

It is worth noting that the Turkish market is a strong competitor in terms of price. This is because the average price per square meter in Istanbul is around 450 euros, while in Europe it is around 2 to 4,000 euros.

Barriers to foreign investment in Turkey

During the investment experiment, foreign investors talked about disability. What they are facing and these obstacles occur at the following rates:

  • 36.6% does not specify property purchase costs
  • The project was not implemented on the agreed date at the rate of 77.4%
  • Mistakes about delays in obtaining Turkish citizenship are 14 percent
  • Home management issues at 30.1%
  • 16.1 Issues related to water, electricity and gas

Opinions of foreign investors on Turkey

Most of them, 49%, when evaluating foreign investment in Turkey, can express their impression about Turkey in one word. (Beautiful country). Some Investors 28.2%, Turkey (Islamic State). At the same time, 6.1% gave different answers when describing Turkey. History, work, religion descriptions is a tourist country that appreciates the beauty of nature

Real Estate Investors in Turkey also share our thoughts and experiences on the nature of life in Turkey, contact us through a special property website, document and improve our experience and select the best property as needed to Be useful.

What happened in the Turkish real estate market?

According to Real Estate Investment in Turkey, the interest of Russian speakers in buying property in various regions Turkey’s growth in 2020 more than tripled compared to 2019. Fetia led the way with a growth of 217%, followed by Bodrum with 200% and Mahmudler with 150%. Popular resorts have almost doubled.

Bodrum is the most expensive place in Turkey in terms of property prices. The average price was € 1,350 per square meter, followed by Marwaris II at € 1,000 per square meter and the third یی 800 per square meter. Fourth and fifth place shares Istanbul and Antalya – 50 650 per square meter. The cheapest property in Ankara is € 350 per square meter.
“Interest in Property investment in Turkey has grown significantly over the past year,” said Georges Kachmazov, managing partner of international real estate broker Most of them are due to low core effects. Demand dropped a few years ago, but is now recovering.